think local. act global.

Reliable Management
Michael W. Seemann, the owner and business manager is your personal advisor and consultant.
Kundenzufriedenheit durch optimale Betreuung. Michael W. Seemann steht Ihnen als geschäftsführender Inhaber stets zur Seite.
Michael W. Seemann, dono e gerente executivo é o vosso Consultor e assistente pessoal.

Global Knowledge
Over 25 years of experience in working with international companies. We market your products worldwide.
Über 25 Jahre Erfahrung in der Zusammenarbeit mit internationalen Unternehmen. Wir vermarkten Ihre Produkte weltweit.
Mais de 25 anos de experiência trabalhando com companhias internacionais. Nós comercializamos os vossos produtos mundialmente.

High Performance
Flexibility and speed are our strengths. The completion of complex projects is our trademark.
Flexibilität und Schnelligkeit sind unsere Stärken. Die Abwicklung komplexer Projekte unser Markenzeichen.
Flexibilidade e rapidez são os nossos pontos fortes. Execução de projetos complexos é a nossa Marca Registrada.

Corporate Identity
Be unique. Stand for yourself.

Corporate Design
Get creative. Amaze them.

Photo Production
Catch the light. Get their attention.

Movie Production
Tell your story. Get heard.

Make it durable. Make it count.

Be smart. Think big.